Front Cover |
The front cover is of the band in their stage costumes. They wear masks and red, 'prison' style jumpsuits. Connotations of this are that they want to appear scary and violently criminal possibly mentally ill with such masks as clowns and pigs the jumpsuits are typical of those seen in maximum security prisons. These outfits have become trademarks of the band and have followed them throughout their career, changing slightly with the release of each new album, this album been their first studio album. The band states that the masks are not to remain hidden but to ensure the audience concentrates on the music not on the personallity of the band members. The photo in the cover is also slightly distorted around the edges and the background is out of focus this gives it more of a mysterious, warped effect. It also supprts Dyer's theory of stardom by putting all focus on thee band so this is what the audience is drawn to.
Back cover
The back cover depicts one of the masks lying next to a broken ouija board.
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